Environmental protection and pupils' wellbeing

Upon invitation of the school and in total cooperation and synergy, we would like to share with you our common concern and sensitivity to the issue of environmental protection and at the same time of our pupils’ wellbeing.

Some technical premises:

- Implemented a reduction in heating and air conditioning times.

The minimum technical time required is about 5 minutes before the departure. We have now reduced this by about 2/3 minutes.

- Adjustment of the temperature intervals (19°C for heating in winter and 27°C for cooling in summer +/- 2°C) in accordance with current national regulations. But also in view of the fact that our users are children from the age of 4, there is an exemption for health reasons, so we also consider the interval recommended by the school guidelines: 24°C and 27°C in summer and between 18°C and 22°C +/- 1°C in winter.

- Consideration of thermal stress (temperature difference between outside and inside of no more than 7°C).

We therefore highlight the following points:

·         during the entire school year most of the buses are parked on the bus yard from morning to afternoon, so the buses are exposed to outside temperatures (in summer reaching temperatures of over 40°C and in winter temperatures well below 0°C).

This element must be considered in order to limit the thermal stress of the children and the associated microclimatic conditions.

Relative humidity around 45% and 70% and a range of no more than 7°C are recommended.

·         The air conditioning system on the buses is set at a temperature of 20°C +/- 1°C for heating in the winter period October-April 26°C +/- 1°C, for air conditioning in the summer period May-July, which is automatically adjusted according to the degrees outside.

·         So that the buses have sufficient time to reach the appropriate temperature from the very first minutes of travel, the procedure is to switch on the buses 5 minutes before their departure.

·         We are carrying out tests to limit the switch-on time while still ensuring a comfortable journey for all pupils to protect their health, with particular reference to thermal stress and avoiding conditions of discomfort due to heat or cold.

·         We will also try to shorten the departure times from the bus yard, which to date we have found to be a little too long, especially due to the last-minute arrival of secondary school pupils who reach the bus yard after 4:20 p.m., resulting in a delayed departure of 5/6 minutes. This would also allow us to improve bus arrival times at the various stops. We invite families to make their children aware of this issue. More green and we get home sooner.