IMPORTANT NOTICE - Ref. Opening of bus service transport School Year 2024-2025

Dear Parents,
please excuse the delay in opening registrations for the next school year but unfortunately we have encountered serious problems with the transport service as regards the bus monitor service offered by our main transport supplier. The conditions of which we have been informed in July, at the end of the School, would impose either an unsustainable loss for the Cooperativa or an unacceptable lack of bus monitor service during the trip. We attempted various negotiations to reach a solution, but at the moment no hypothesis has been found stably viable.
As a result, at the moment the Board has seen fit to absorb a heavy loss until January in order to at least guarantee the start of the service for families who would otherwise be in serious difficulties. However, it remains a real possibility at the moment that the service will not be able to be organized from February 2025.

This is valid for the moment also for the Garderie service transport. 
The entire Board is doing everything possible to continue negotiations and seek alternative solutions.

We will continue to make every effort so that we can bring you more definitive news soon.

A different situation is for the bus service transport carried out by the supplier of bus lines No. 14, 17 and 19 for which we are able to grant the service for the whole School Year.
We will be able to grant also the returning trips on Friday afternoons at 13,00 with buses No. 3, 5 and 12 and on Friday afternoons at 16,20 with bus No.5.

We will keep you informed, and as soon as possible we will arrange a meeting to give you more details of this situation, which among other things is forcing us to increase our fees despite the high cost absorption imposed.

Enrollments will open by the first week of August, useful time to handle administrative changes.

We are deeply sorry and will work with usual commitment toward a solution.

Best regards 
Fabrizia SCABINI 

on behalf of Board of Directors 
Cooperativa Trasporti alunni Scuola Europea di Varese