Results of new Bus Programme Survey

Dear Parents,

following requests from some of you to have shorter routes and/or convenient routes close to families' homes, we opened a survey, from 2 to 24 May, in which we asked you whether you preferred to maintain the approach applied until now and/or whether you agreed to a change to a "hub" where stops would be concentrated at main and common points with a consequent reduction in journey times, taking into account both the outward and return routes (excluding the A and B buses) and the limits currently unilaterally imposed by the transport companies providing the service.

As you can see from the attached file, 189 out of 570 voted, reaching only 33%, most of whom chose stops close to home.

The Board of Directors will, however, consider whether to follow the general guiding principles as far as possible, and in any case all opinions received and recorded.

As already mentioned, the Monday 1:00 p.m., Friday 1:00 p.m. and Friday 4:20 p.m. buses, being of limited use, will be evaluated separately from the general schedule.

However, the feasibility of semi-automating the route schedules with the help of algorithms as requested by some parents is being evaluated.

We will give you the final results as soon as we have them.